Beta Version 13.5.8 Available for Testing on December 15th, 2023

And here is an even better beta that should fix the latest reported issues. Any and all testing is appreciated!

This beta version is no longer available. Look for a later beta release or the most recent Mac App Store release.

It seems as though the add, delete, and rename functions are working. However, when I look at the files there are two things that make me suspicous that I wasn’t working with a clean data set.

  1. Presence of outdated field names
  2. Body delimiter “—” placed above several fields.

I’ll create a clean data set and double check but I may not get to do that until monday.

Changed the label of the Body from Body to Text.

Worked, but the field was renamed without attention to the field type. The Text field should have a type to specify it’s roles and that is not present.

Add a new field. The field is added to the template beneath the field name Text. A field named Body is added to the end of the template.

In this test data is not lost, but it is no longer in the body. We have a field called Text and a field called Body.

In an earlier test, opening the template in BBEdit and renaming the Text field back to Body, then opening them for editing in Notenik caused the content of the Text/Body field to be deleted. Opening the notes in BBEdit revealed the content was completely gone from the file.

Thanks so much for your continued testing and bug reporting. See the latest beta for a fix for this latest issue.