Cross-Collection WikiLink Abnormalities

I have a Wikilink in my main notes collection (Collection A) that points to a note in a separate collection (Collection B),

e.g., [[collectionbShortcut/Collection B Title or AKA]].

  • When I try to use the link in Collection A, the Collection B note appears in the display window for Collection A.

  • Collection B is launched in it’s own window, but the note that is pointed to from Collection A does not appear as the active note in Collection B’s display window (the last accessed note will appear).

  • In both replicants of the respective note in Collection B (i.e., its appearance in the Collection A window and the actual note in Collection B) a Backlink is recorded pointing to the note in Collection A.

    • Clicking this Backlink to the Collection A note from Collection B will make a copy of the note in Collection B.

    • Clicking this Backlink in the replicant of the Collection B note leads back to the original note in Collection A.

n.b. I did not observe this behavior in the attached sample collections but you may be able to catch this behavior on a more mature set of notes.

I should mention that the “replicant” of the Collection B Note that appears in Collection A’s Display Window is just that, not a duplicate note, but somehow a copy of the Collection B Note. In other words, a new file isn’t written on the file system as a result of the Collection B Note’s appearance in the Collection A display window. A copy is only made in Collection A if you edit the replicant.

I first observed this behavior when Collection B was a subdirectory of Collection A, but I wasn’t allowing Notenik to register as a dedicated subfolder with the Folder field. The described behavior persists after Moving Collection B into the same parent directory as Collection A.

I hope that this is a useful explanation.

Some things I’ve tried out

  • “Normalize Storage”
  • “Forget All Shortcuts”

Sample Collections

Thanks for reporting! Let me look into this.

Try the latest beta and see if this helps.