Disappearing content and sequence/level display issues

Fairly major bug as it involves content disappearing. When I Adjust Edit Fonts… a note’s content is deleted. Video attached:


Basically I:

  1. Create a default outline collection.
  2. Add content to an existing note, or create a new one.
  3. Select Adjust Edit Fonts… and change body font.
  4. Note sequence and level disappear from note in sidebar/list view.
  5. Note content is gone from text file.
  6. Reloading the note in Notenik reflects the change.

Thanks for reporting. I will look into this next, but I just started a week-long vacation, so my Notenik time might be a bit limited for the next several days.

No worries at all, enjoy your vacation!

Just attaching this screenshot while I have it, as it is related to the issue above:

If I continue working on the affected file, a duplicate entry will show up in the sidebar list (but still the one file on disk) and I’ll be able to click on it with the mouse and keyboard arrows, but not navigate to it using Next in Seq or Prior in Seq.

See the latest beta. I believe this should fix the issue. Let me know what you experience.

Thanks. So far, so good in my testing.