Multimarkdown Metadata, Wikilinks and Backlinks


First and foremost, I apologize for the vague title. I’m experimenting with Multimarkdown as a file format in a collection that I may edit on a non-Mac machine from time to time. This collection, a Web book, has plenty of Backlinks and thus plenty of Wiki Links listed in each note’s metadata. When the “Generate Backlinks” command is given, text similar to this appears at the top of each note that has Backlinks and/or Wiki Links:

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews
Wiki Links:  The Research-Development Cycle

This block of text is an example of what is present at the top of an affected note when viewed in both Edit and Display mode. In display mode, this text is read as Markdown and converted to HTML no different than any other text in the file that would follow its block of metadata.

The raw metadata block of the note that I’m using as an example appears as:

Title:  RDC Activities
Tags:   practices
Seq:    3.2
Level:  2

Wiki Links: Literature reviews
Wiki Links: The Research-Development Cycle

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews

Backlinks: Zone Workflow C

Wiki Links: Literature reviews
Wiki Links:  The Research-Development Cycle

The individual block of text that consists of just the Backlinks and Wikilinks (as shown in the first example) will repeat itself when “Generate Backlinks” is ran again. In other words, if I were to run the command again, then more lines of text that consist of a note’s Backlinks and/or Wikilinks will appear at the top of the note.

This bug also prevents Backlinks from appearing how they usually do in Display mode (within what appears to be an HTML <details> element). At least one Wikilink will appear however in Display mode however. It looks like Notenik regards the metadata block as terminated after the three hyphens that follow the line Wiki Links: Literature reviews, as is the norm according to Multimarkdown metadata under normal circumstances. Also, please not the presence of the line breaks, which are a standard in the Notenik file format but not so in Multimarkdown.

If there is any more information that is needed from me, I hope to be able to provide it.

Thank you!

@ThePrinter Thanks for reporting this. Let me look into it and see what’s going on.

Again, sorry for the delayed response.

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The new 11.6.7 beta should fix this. Let me know once you’ve had a chance to test.

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The fix for this should be included in 11.7.0. Thanks for reporting the problem, and let me know if any further issues!

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