No recent bug reports, so all quiet on that front.
This beta does include a cool new merge command to copy image files from a source folder to an output web folder, as was recently discussed/requested somewhere on this forum.
More broadly, thanks to @ThePrinter for his mention of HTML for People. This has started me down the path of trying to create a Notenik companion to that web book that would explain how to perform each step using Notenik, rather than straight HTML. The resulting book may or may not be worth anything, but the exercise is helping me think up additional enhancements to Notenik that would make this whole parallel exercise both easier to perform, and easier to explain to people. I’m only partway through this journey, but it’s already proving fruitful.
As always, see the version notes from the knowledge base within the app for the changes to be found in this beta.
Thanks in advance for your interest, and possibly even testing! (16.5 MB)