Parity for the Quick Action Window

I was hoping to follow up on my last reference to additions to the Quick Action window’s capabilities (increase of text size).

Would it be possible for the Quick Action text area to share some of the capabilities that the main “Edit” pane text area has?

  • To describe things in vulgar, illiterate programming speak: “Could you just like, copy and paste all of the Swift NSText doodads from the Edit text area to the Quick Action text area?"

  • To speak formally, is there room for function parity between these text boxes?

    • For example, shared Fonts and Font sizes, inclusion of the “Select a Note” feature in the Quick Action window, maybe the ability to activate Advanced searching while in the Quick Action window and have the results appear in the primary window?

I hope that this doesn’t sound overambitious. Feel free to rally the community to lock me in a room somewhere with a MacBook Air and a three-ring-bound copy of the Swift documents so I can DI-mYself if it ever seems that I’m imposing.

Thank you, Herb.

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See the latest beta and let me know if this helps. This doesn’t allow for separate adjustment for the Quick Action window, but attempts to adjust font sizes there to match those on the Edit tab. Let me know if this helps any.

It was fairly easy to use the Edit font info to modify the equivalent info on the Quick Action Window, and I hope you find this useful, but it would be much more difficult to duplicate the functions you are describing to make them available there.

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