Progress on HTML for People Companion

Notenik version 15.9.0 is now available from the Mac App Store, and is chock full of improvements, many of them inspired by Blake Watson’s web book HTML for People. An early draft of the Notenik companion to Blake’s book is also available for review.

Link: Progress on HTML for People Companion | Adventures with Notenik

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Diving into creating a website with Notenik this weekend. I think it’ll be successful. Will report back soon with findings, and hopefully a fun (if simple) little website. Thanks for creating this Herb - it looks awesome.

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@learg12 Wanted to check in and see how/if you made progress putting together a website with Notenik? Excited to hear your report!

Hey Herb! I’m up and running. This is a basic test website that I built using Notenik, and your instructions/blog posts.

Hopefully it’s OK that I used Notenik in the URL. I’ve confirmed that I can change or delete that site name/URL, so just let me know. This one is for test purposes, because I’m still on pretty big training wheels.

The main idea ultimately for me, building a website through Notenik is for some photography documentation - like, What is ISO, what is focal length, that type of thing.

That’ll live here at and I’ve gotten things kinda started but like, navigating cPanel and hosting and domain stuff is completely new to me, so I only managed to upload the most basic of html indexes (also created through Notenik)

Anyways, I think the stage I’m at with all of this is “baby horse” so it’s all a little wobbly, but in a week or two I’ll have something pretty manageable. I’m making progress by the hour so it’s tough to summarize any one thing! Your instructions are clear, and before I give any feedback on it, I need to re-review to see if I misread or misunderstood a few steps.

But for now: I’ve used Notenik, and your instructions, step by step, to build an index page, and complete Chapter 1 instructions per you and Blake’s website, and I can upload that index file and related image to the neocities dashboard, and view it on the web, which I’ve linked. Separately, I have the content for like 6-7 photography pages, so once I feel good I’ll publish that to both URLs, and eventually move away from neocities.

Your app and engagement here has helped me reframe my time in such a positive way, so thank you very much for that!

Wow! Glad to see you so inspired and productive! I’ve just updated the tutorial a bit, so hopefully that will help to straighten things out some. It’s still not done, but coming along – just like your site! BTW, where was the picture taken?

I’ll be intersted in seeing your photography documentation. I just got my wife a new mirrorless camera for Christmas, and we could use some of that info!

Trying over here! Creating something and learning at the same time is slow, I’m finding haha.

Picture is just Boston Harbor shot from the Harbor Walk - and it is typically bleak this time of year haha.

I think I’m a week away from updating both Neocities and the domain that I got. Fingers crossed it goes well haha

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