I’m withdrawing this as a feature request because I had missed the all-round usefulness of Queries and Reports.
Queries and Reports do what I want.
The UI for those features got in the way of me understanding them to some extent. As a beginner it’s very easy to take a wrong turn. I did that many times. That didn’t help, but after staring at the knowledge base, and a lot of muttering, I’m getting the output that I want.
Control the List Display and Control the Sort Order.
I’d like to be able to modify the list view for a collection. Currently the list view is controlled by the sort commands. I want to control Sort and Display separately. (Although the current actions ⌘-0 to ⌘-9 are really productive).
In my most active collection of notes I have Status, Rank ( labelled as Priority), and Sequence. I want to be able to see all three columns in the list view, in addition to the title.
I use status as it is planned: idea gets proposed and moves through work stages to completion.
I use rank to set Priorities (which may be set by others) 0 - Low … 4 - High.
I use sequence to manage the running order for equivalent tasks.
I would like to be able to have simple sorts ( sort by one column ) that toggle by clicking the list header.
I would like to have complex sorts ( sort by several columns), e.g., Status, Priority, Seq. And to be able to mix the sort order, i.e., Status ( 0-9), Priority (9-0), Seq (0-9). This example sort would group by status putting ideas first and completed items last, then by priority putting high priority first, and finally by sequence .