Winston Grace - Notenik user

Hello, I’m Winston, from New Zealand, now living in Perth, Australia.

I am a graphic designer by trade, that moved into web development, and with a brief but illuminating stint as a commis chef.

Am a plain text tragic and have been using various apps over the years: Vim, Taskpaper, IA Writer, NV Alt, The Archive and others.

I like to use notes for managing my freelance projects. I have found traditional outliners too prescriptive and complicated. But at the other end, a long list of notes (usually structured by tags), I find hard to process without some sort of visual hierarchy.

Notenik’s outliner-type example, along with collections using any folder, is what got me started with it.

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Thanks for joining us, Winston! I had an uncle named Winston, and my wife has a sister who married a Kiwi and settled in New Zealand – it really is a small world!

I’m happy to hear that you are finding the outlining feature to be useful.

Thanks for introducing yourself, and feel free to post other items as the need or desire arises.