Table rendering works nicely here in the forum. The two tables below contain empty cells. The tables are rendered as I expect them to be rendered. However, when rendered in Notenik the alignment is wrong for Mixed Spice. It is aligned with Processes, rather than Ingredients.
Additionally, Notenik will draw one vertical cell border that is extraneous ( see the second table, row containing “substitute” ). The extra cell border will be drawn in different places depending on the number of cells in the row, and the number, and placement, of the blank cells.
I think the problem is that the empty cells need to be blank cells — in other words, they need to contain at least one space.
If you look at the Knowledge Base, you’ll see it contains the following paragraph:
Per the MultiMarkdown convention, you can indicate that a cell should span multiple columns by simply adding additional pipes (|) at the end of the cell. The number of pipes equals the number of columns the cell should span.
So when you enter two consecutive pipes, Notenik interprets this, not as a blank cell, but as an indication that the cell is spanning multiple columns.
Part of what’s tripping you up here is the lack of 100% consistency between parsers when it comes to markdown extensions.
I hThe thing I’m pointing out is that when there is nothing in the field (whether or not it is rendered in HTML as a colspan ) the content should end up in the correct column.
If you look at the picture I posted, there’s a screen shot of my Notenik collection. The words “mixed spice” are in the wrong column.