Expand and Collapse Sections in the List view based on Seq and Level

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I’ve just found notenik and I’m enjoying it. It feels like you’ve really struck a great balance between giving us structure and openness.

I’ve been searching the documentation for information about outlines/outliners because I want that extra little bit of joy and tidiness.

Most of the things I’ve found are trying to handle outlines within a note. That’s not at all what I want.

For my use, I’d love to see the Collection’s list of notes have an outline mode. It would allow you to expand and collapse sections in the list of notes, just as outline programs do. I had hoped that it was a feature already built-in, and if I’ve missed something, I’d love to learn how to access that functionality.


Thats also something I’ve been thinking would be handy. Maybe something like:


Nice mock-up. Thanks for providing it.

Yes, I get it. It would indeed be very nice. And in theory doable. But decidedly non-trivial.

Here’s a thought. Notenik already has an outline view on the Tags tab. What if you had the ability to swap out the tags outline with a Seq outline?

I’ve discovered that dot point tagging creates tag hierarchies that generate hide/show toggles. That sort of functionality is exactly what I want to have, though based on seq.

There is one other Notenik “trick” that you might find useful. Beneath the Collection menu there is a Level entry, and beneath that there is an option to Replace Tags Based on Seq and Level. When you execute this command, Notenik will generate tags to reflect your seq + level outline structure. You can then use those tags to navigate through your Collection. These tags are not dynamically updated, though. You can find an example of this in the Knowledge Base, and I make a habit of updating these entries before publishing each new release.

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thanks for pointing me to the commands for creating tags based on levels. I’m still learning how to find my way around, so I may be making mistakes.

When I used that command the tags were generated based on Level and Title. Of course, using the title throws the Seq out completely and it’s very confusing.

What I can see is that the Seq + Levels tools allows me to generate an accurate Seq value. If the Seq value alone could be used as a tag, that would immediately give me a tag outline that matched the Seq and reflected the outline structure too.

If you were to implement a tag outline based on Seq, may I suggest that it be a checkbox preference in the Collection settings. This would avoid duplicating the Seq into Tags and it would avoid cluttering the Tag space for those who want to work differently.