Seq, level, and tags

I’m wondering why we are able to use tags to achieve collapsible hierarchies but we are unable to use Seq/Level to do so. I’m looking back at Expand and Collapse Sections in the List view based on Seq and Level. @hbowie says it’s a non-trivial addition.

My curiosity is piqued as it seems the Seq and Level fields provide an obvious framework for generating a hierarchy. So much so, that we can generate tags from Seq and Level using a menu command (found in Collection > Level> Update Seq + Tags based on Level). Then we can switch into Tags view and a fully functional collapsible hierarchy is available under “levels-outline.” This method is quick and easy, though it has drawbacks. The tags become quite long as a result of concatenating titles, and it clutters the tag space, reducing the utility of the tags that are being used as tags.

Isn’t there some way that we could get the positive outcomes without needing to generate tags, as we already have the Seq field populated?

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+1 for collapsible sequences since the majority of my notes are based on sequences or levels. If implemented, I would like them to behave similarly to Finder’s, with an option-click to expand or collapse child elements at once.

When it comes to tags, I couldn’t find a good use for them in Notenik because inline tags are not recognized, and my notes contain plenty of them inline. But that’s another story.

Well, I suppose that one would want an option to replace the List tab contents (based on NSTableView), with an outline (based on NSOutlineView). Does this sound right?

Such a thing is not impossible, but certainly non-trivial. If this sounds like the way to implement it in the UI, then I could probably have a go at it.

It might also be useful to know what sort of format you use for inline tags, @zgr.

:person_shrugging: not sure about the inner workings that are best suited to the task. Nor do I have any idea of how much effort is required. When you say non-trivial I imagine that means breaking things that work perfectly well at the moment. So there is inherent risk to all that we enjoy presently.

Can the tags view could be pressed into service? Rather than changing list view, could we add a way to switch between outline based on tags and seq ? Or it might be a third button beside List and Tags that is enabled for collections that include seq and level?

I use #hashtags

  • I will have to look into this later #focus
  • This sentence contains vital information. #important
  • This sentence is not finished… #continue
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Just wanted to let @Malcolm and the rest of you know that I am working on this. Don’t have anything ready for beta yet, but should have something within a week or so. For Collections with a Seq field, a collapsible hierarchy will be available on an optional third tab that will appear to the right of the Tags tab. So far this seems to be working out pretty well, although as part of the effort an opportunity for some refactoring has come up, which will make the code easier to maintain in the future, but is requiring a bit of rework now to fit everything into the new scheme. Will be looking forward to having some beta testing done on the whole thing, once it seems to be ready for others to try it out. Thanks!

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See the latest beta for an attempt to deal with this issue.

Looking forward to feedback!

I’m really enjoying the new outline view. I have a miscellany with the broad section headings: garden, kitchen, lounge, shed. In list view, the sense of a “little world” was lost as soon as one of the subsections grew large enough to push the section heads off screen. Diligent tagging did provide organisation but I felt that the need to duplicate the section structure in tag form was a signal that the app was missing something.

The addition of outline mode means that I can clean up the tag space. That gives me back a few lines at the top of the screen :slight_smile:

me too!

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