This beta includes the following changes:
Minimum macOS Version Changed to 13.5
Finally updated minimum macOS requirement to 13.5 (Ventura). Sonoma and Sequoia are also supported. Older versions of macOS are no longer supported.
Added Function to Paste Formatted Text as Markdown
Beneath the Edit menu there is now an option to Paste Formatted → Markdown. This has a keyboard shortcut of Ctrl-V. This function will attempt to convert the contents of the system clipboard to Markdown, with first priority being given to RTF (rich text) if it is available, otherwise HTML. The HTML function uses the open source package SwiftHTMLToMarkdown. This is intended to a conversion that is better than nothing, but certainly not comprehensive.
Note that the ability to convert formatted text to Markdown is very provisional, and incomplete, but I wanted to get a beta out there so I could get some feedback from others on this functionality (limited though it is).
This beta version is no longer available. Look for a later beta release or the most recent Mac App Store release.