A lot of my note titles have ampersands in them. On the file system, Notenik replaces ampersands with the string and
. When inserting a Note as a Wikilink through the Note Selector, the Note title with and
instead of the ampersand is placed.
When attempting to access a note, say Bread & Butter
, that is inserted as [[Bread and Butter]]
in a different note, the original Bread & Butter
note (and corresponding Bread and Butter.md
file) is replaced with a new file of the same name but displaying the boilerplate that appears when a note from a missing Wikilink target is made.
Wikilinks containing explicit ampersands do not lead anywhere. “Under the hood” it still looks like [[Bread & Butter]]
attempts to replace the ampersand with the string and
. The https://ntnk.app/
URL that (I think) points notes between one another within the app will lead to https://ntnk.app/breadandbutter
and the note will appear under the title “Bread and Butter” under the Wikilinks section of the Display window in Notenik itself.
Tested with Version 16.2.0 (785) and the latest 16.2.1 beta.