I use Notenik primarily for its database like qualities, the fact that notes can have metadata which can be used to sort and view this data. The improvements that I sometimes wish for are primarily along these axes. Let me list a few of them here:
- Ability to use local paths for files. I really enjoy storing links to local files on my computer in Notenik collections and being able to click on the list to open them. However, I find myself wishing that the file paths specified could be relative paths so that when I move or archive the “project folder” which has the files and the collection, the links still work. There is a workaround for me which is to write a script which changes the links when one moves the folder that houses the Notenik collection and the files that are linked, so its not something that I can’t do without, but it would be nice.
- The ability to display markdown files which are in sub-folders. I am trying to store all my tasks in Notenik and it would be nice to be able to see them all in one place: a master list of all open tasks. At the same time, the tasks are easier to organize and archive if they are stored in separate folders and Notenik collections based on the project they pertain to. One could do both if a parent folder Notenik collection could display Notes from one sub-folder down. The advantage of one project per sub-folder is that when a project is completed, one could just archive it by moving the project folder to a different location.
- I often find myself wanting to organize just a small subset of notes in Notenik - for instance notes related to a particular lecture of a course that I am teaching. There are ways of doing this now, assigning a rank or class or tag and sorting the collection by rank + sequence or tags + sequence. It would be nice if one could bulk edit a set of notes and assign them a particular rank or add a tag. Again, there are workarounds which involve using an Obsidian plugin for bulk editing tags, but it would be a nice feature to have.